294 – The Big Island

Podcast Number 293

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There are many destinations that have beautiful beaches and gorgeous scenery but Waynette Kwon, of the Big Island Visitors’ Bureau explains that Hawaii has a unique culture. The unique culture adds a remarkable component to the beautiful beaches and gorgeous scenery of Hawaii. Travel agents selling the Hawaiian destination  should immerse themselves in the culture because it is a major selling point. In this show Waynette talks about the Hawaiian culture and beauty, plus she tell us about an upcoming fam trip offered by NACTA and the Big Island Visitors’ Bureau. This fam trip will immerse you in the Hawaiian culture and prepare you with excitement to share with your clients. Space is limited for this fam so you will have to act quickly. You can contact Waynette at wkwon@hvcb.org.


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Thank you for listening to the Home Based Travel Agent Podcast. You can email me at barry@hometravelagent.net or email Lorene at sharptongued@mac.com and Gary at wdwgary@gmail.com.


Buddy Merrill & His Hawaiian GuitarsBuddy Merrill
“Yacka Hula Nicky Dula” (mp3)
from “Buddy Merrill & His Hawaiian Guitars”
(Accent Records)

Buy at iTunes Music Store
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