339 – Ideas, Planning, Action for the Travel Professional in 2014

Podcast Number 339

A challenge for the travel professional is coming up with new ideas to generate business. Finding the ideas is the first challenge. The second challenge is putting the ideas into action. In fact, most ideas never make it to an action plan for implementation. This show is about finding ideas for new business and implementing those ideas.

A challenge for the Home Based Travel Agent Show is scheduling guests in December for an interview. The challenge was not met and that’s okay. Lorene and I understand the importance of family and friends during the holiday season. Therefore, I wanted an “end of the year” theme for the show and decided on ideas and planning, an important topic as we take our business into a new year. I researched the archives and found Dave Stockert talking about ideas in Show Number 263, and Cris DeSouza talking about setting ideas in motion in Show Number 315. I fired up my audio editing software, paired down the interviews, and combined them to make this show. I hope you enjoy the show and look forward to 2014.

The Idea Machine II by Dave Stockert
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Email Barry at barry@hometravelagent.net
Email Lorene at sharptongued@mac.com

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