356 – Travel Agents Prosper by Working as a Team – The NACTA Chapter Directors’ Conference

Podcast Number 356

 One of the most valuable resources you can utilize as a small business owner, a travel agent, are the valuable insights from people who have a depth and breadth of experiences that are different from your own. This show combines the final two interviews from the National Association of Career Travel Agents (NACTA) where Lorene and I interview Ann van Leeuwen, the President of NACTA, and Denise Johnson, the Central Florida NACTA Chapter Director. The underlying theme of the interviews are how you can benefit by teaming up with other travel agents to learn and expand your business by joining NACTA. Regional NACTA Chapters offer you the opportunity to team up with other travel agents to expand your business knowledge and skills. Learn how to participate and learn here by listening to the show.
The 2015 NACTA Regional Conference
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Sharped Tongued Consulting – Lorene’s Travel Agent Website
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Email Barry at barry@hometravelagent.net
Email Lorene at sharptongued@mac.com

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The Home Based Travel Agent Show is a proud affiliate of the National Association of Career Travel Agents – NACTA.
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